The Great Kieranski and The Baldy Grammars
Type: eBook/printbook
Genre: MG Boy Adventure
Publisher: Breedles Publishing
Publication Date: 2015
Length: 69 pages
Cover: Padraig Designs
Available in ebook

The Great Kieranski and the Crew are at it again! Kieranski discovers that there might be dangerous aliens called Baldy Grammars selling tainted cakes in their town. With his best friend Jonno, next best friends Matty and Benji they investigate how to save the town from terrible creatures that could be real if anyone had ever seen them. No one knows the truth because grownups don’t listen and older brothers are always trying to prank you about everything. The boys stand up to their bullies, spy on the local charity and even deal with the big mouth of a little sister. They are braver than ever and friends forever as they protect their town from things that exist even if everyone else says they don't! This is a MG chapter book aimed at the boy reader.